Happiness is...a leisurely breakfast at BCC
Are you looking for things to do in the East Beaches area?
Come meet your neighbours and join us for
Saturday morning breakfast
Beaches Community Centre
(formerly Victoria Beach Community Centre)
Starts Sat May 20 and runs through the summer
Sat 9am-noon
All proceeds go towards the operating costs of the Beaches Community Centre

*fabulous pancakes with bacon or sausage, includes beverage
*breakfast sandwich, includes beverage
*toasted cinnamon buns
*beverage options are: coffee, tea, juice boxes, water & soft drinks. Beaches Community Centre members get $1.00 off meals only
i.e. pancake breakfast or breakfast sandwich.
Thank you to our wonderful volunteers! You are awesome!
If you are looking for a meaningful way to give back to the community, come and volunteer at the breakfasts. It’s a lot of fun and you’ll meet some lovely people from the East Beaches area. You can sign-up for one date or for several.
To sign-up for volunteering at the breakfast, you can use the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board inside the front entrance of Beaches Community Centre
or email Trista at trista.demedeiros@gmail.com
See you at the Beach(es)!