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Beaches Capital Campaign







Fitness Centre Fundraising Full Steam Ahead!

Please give generously to help us to build a quality fitness facility for Beaches 












The estimated costs of the 2000 square foot fitness facility that will include showers, washrooms and a separate entrance is $700,000.


You can spread your donation over the next 3 years.  All donations are eligible for a CRA tax receipt which will make your actual out of pocket expense as much as 49% less than your actual donation!


 To calculate your savings click here.


Donations of $250 and over will be recognized with a wall plaque that will be placed in the new Fitness Centre.

To make your pledge contact Gary Wingate at
204-754-7130 or email:


Thanks to you - we can make this happen!

If you would like to help with the campaign please contact Bill Hurtig at 204 475-6216 or

To make your secure immediate tax-deductible donation, please click on the button below.  Be sure to follow the drop-down menu and choose capital campaign to ensure your donation is recognized for the capital campaign.


Bronze $250 - $999 

Silver $1000 - $1999

Gold  $2000+

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