Come Sweep with Us!
Do you live in or visit the East Beaches area, and are looking for some fun things to do to get moving and be social this winter? There are a few ways to have fun with Curling. You can join a league, drop-in and/or enter a team for one of our fun bonspiels!

Mark your calendar for our fun upcoming Special Curling Events:
Women’s Bonspiel January 27-29
Men’s Bonspiel February 10-12
Stick February 4th
Mixed Bonspiel February 24-26
Beaches Community Centre(formerly Victoria Beach Community Centre)
If you are interested in leagues, please contact your coordinator: Men’s League Thursday Evenings Contact: Dayna Ford (204)861-2091
$210 per player
Ladies’ League Wednesday evenings Contact: Tiffany (204)470-2980
$210 per player
Stick League Thursday afternoons 1-3 Contact: Dennis (431)260-0010
$75 for half session, $150 for full session
There will also be drop in curling Tuesday afternoons 1:00-3:00 and Saturdays 10:00-2:00
$6 for members, $8 for non-members
There is a possibility of Mixed Curling evenings
if interested contact Dayna Ford (204)861-2091
Come sweep with us!